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24 March 2022

Reasons Why Building in 2022 Might Be For You

There are many reasons to build a house in 2022. Here are the top 5!

1. The market is ripe for investment.

2. Housing prices are on the rise.

3. The economy is strong and showing no signs of slowing down.

4. Interest rates are still relatively low, making it a good time to borrow money for a mortgage.

5. You may need more space.

There are plenty of other reasons to build a house in 2022 beyond these five. What matters most is that you do your research and figure out what’s best for you and your family. Building a house is a big decision, but it can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Creating a home from scratch gives you the opportunity to design everything exactly how you want it (and the location where you’d like to be).

Housing Market

In general, the housing market is predicted to continue to rise in price and demand (although this could change due to unforeseen circumstances). Homebuilders are confident that they will be able to sell their homes for a profit and many are already planning on starting construction in the next few years.

Cost of Building Materials

The cost of building materials has been on the rise for the past few years, but it is still relatively low compared to historical prices. This is good news for those looking to build a house in 2022 as it means that you will be able to get more for your money.

Construction jobs are predicted to grow by 11% from 2019 to 2029, which is faster than the average growth rate for all occupations. This leads to an indication of a strong building market.

Strong Economy for Home Investments

The current state of the economy is strong, with low unemployment rates and steady growth. This is good news for those considering building a house as it means that there is less risk involved in such a large investment. The stock market has also been doing well, which indicates that people have money to spend on big-ticket items like houses.

Low Interest Rates

Interest rates are still relatively low, making now a good time to take out a mortgage for a new home. They are predicted to start rising in the next few years, so if you are thinking about building a house, it may be best to do it sooner rather than later.

Get More Space

Growing family? Expanding a home business? Dream of a backyard oasis? Whatever the reason, many people find that they need more space than they currently have and decide to build a house.

Building a house is a big decision, but it can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Creating a home from scratch gives you the opportunity to design everything exactly how you want it (and the location where you’d like to be). If you’ve been considering building a house, 2022 may be the perfect year to do it. Do your research and talk to professionals to figure out if building a house is right for you.

Need some inspiration to get started? Find a Sprenger Midwest retailer near you for design services, siding samples and more!